I've already mentioned that I've been working on a book. In the coming weeks and months, I'll be sharing more about it and the process, but today I am kicking off a special giveaway related to the ...
cover to cover.
Sometimes you don't know what it is that you're wanting until you see it. That's kind of how I feel after reading Cheryl Arkison's new book, which I read cover to cover and past my bedtime ...
cooked excerpt.
I'm a big Michael Pollan fan and have been savoring his most recent book, Cooked. It's fabulous. And this part (on page 195) especially struck me when I got to it. "Once I committed a couple ...
saturday sewing binge.
I LOVE getting totally lost in a project, and that is exactly what happened over the weekend. It all started with these guys that I'd picked up the day before at a quilt ...
modern baby.
Oh boy. This is a fun one, and the secret is officially out. I've got a little something coming out in a book super soon! Yay. The book is called Modern Baby, and it's chock-full of fun ideas for the ...
hello new year!
I'm feeling quite refreshed after taking a break. I had my computer turned off for at least a solid week, which is nothing short of a miracle. I did sneak a moment here and there on my ipad, but ...
winter stitching.
Just got a copy of the latest Stitch Magazine and... I've got a new project in there--my snowflake pillow! Hoorah. The design is inspired by Hawaiian quilts (a personal ...
book love: toxic traveling and other recent reads.
Lately I've been working on lots of new stuff, which is exciting. But unfortunately none of it is at that sharing stage yet, so I thought I'd take a quilting detour and share some of the good reads ...