At QuiltCon, I picked up a few new things to try. Whether it was the options as they were presented or my mood, there was clearly a theme to what I bought. I grabbed up many different Sashiko threads ...
Making Fauna and a giveaway.
I have another project in the latest issue of Making Magazine, by Madder. The theme for this issue is Fauna, which is pretty fun. My project explores a fairly simple idea--embroidered fish. But ...
Aerial Grove in Liberty and Chambray.
I finished this guy. Finally. And it was fun. Here's a look at my Aerial Grove in Liberty and chambray that I started a little while ago (107 weeks according to Instagram) ... with status updates ...
Facing East Quilt in Euclid.
Here's a new Facing East Quilt in Euclid. Even though my new fabric collection Euclid is printed on Essex (and I've been making tons of garments and accessories with it), you can still use it ...
Lotta Jansdotter’s Everyday Style + a Giveaway.
Being a fan of Lotta Jansdotter's work, I'm thrilled to participate in the blog tour for her new book, Lotta Jansdotter's Everyday Style. The book itself is a kind of style journal divided by ...
Handmade Style: Makeup Travel Case.
I really needed one of these. My toiletries-schelpping-when-traveling situation hasn't been very pretty lately. Or very functional, to be honest. I was basically doing the ...
QuiltCon West.
Hi hi! Well tomorrow (June 25, 10am EST) registration opens for QuiltCon West. Because of that, I thought I'd share the three classes that I'll be teaching. It should be fun! + 632 Facing East . ...
You Inspire Me to Quilt…Dinosaurs.
This was a really fun project. When Cheryl approached me about participating in her next book, I didn't hesitate too much, because I was intrigued by the premise, which was to find someone to ...
New Site, New Shop.
Well, welcome! There's been a lot happening behind the scenes recently, and now you can see the results of some of that. The site has a new look, and on the back-end it's entirely new. This means ...
Recent workshops in Colorado and Virginia.
Update on the teaching front: I've had some really great students. Here are pics from some of my recent workshops. + Aerial Grove (from Savor Each Stitch) with the Front Range Modern Quilt ...
Collaboration with Patchwork Threads.
I've been really excited about my collaboration with Patchwork Threads, which was just announced at QuiltCon. I've always admired their work, and I really enjoy seeing everyone ...
Natalie Barnes Blog Tour + a giveaway
To be honest, I'm not totally sure when I met Natalie Barnes, but it was sometime within the last few years at Quilt Market. Natalie has such an easy-going and sincere personality that it's very easy ...
Post QuiltCon update.
Somehow it's March... Is anyone else with me in wondering where February went? (And I guess January too, for that matter.) I'm back and mostly recovered from QuiltCon. It was so much ...
Doe Fabric Makes A Couch: Part Two.
After planning, piecing, and quilting the panels for the couch ... it was time to hack them up. To be honest, I was nervous about this step. But I ...
Talking about Savor Each Stitch on Modern Sewciety.
Taking 2 weeks off was really fun (and much-needed), but now I'm definitely playing a lot of catch up since getting back. In fact, I'm just now getting to this... I chatted with ...
Spring Quilt Market 2014.
Spring Quilt Market in Pittsburgh was a little over a month ago now (kinda hard to believe!)...which I guess means that it's time to share some photos from it. Better late than never, ...
Savor Each Stitch workshop at Gather Here.
Yesterday was my class at Gather Here in Cambridge. It was great and so much fun. We worked on Facing East from my new book. They have this wonderful annex above the shop with tons of light ...
QuiltCon 2015 classes.
I can't believe that it's almost time to register for QuiltCon. It's pretty crazy how fast time has flown since the last one, and in many ways I hope it continues to fly, because I'm ready for round ...
NYC adventures.
I just got back from NYC and it was a blast. First up, was BEA for a book signing. That was an experience, for sure. It was great to see Lucky Spool's first 2 titles (mine ...
Pittsburgh and New York City events.
Today is a big day. It's finally time to leave for Quilt Market in Pittsburgh. Preparing for Market is always pretty consuming, and this one hasn't been too much different. I look forward to the ...