It’s been a toasty summer–not that I’m complaining–I prefer the heat over the cold any day. But because of that, I can never have too many pairs of shorts. It’s what I live in, and I thought it’d be fun to adventure making some with Interweave Chambray and Essex Yarn Dye linen.
The Denim color in Interweave Chambray is the perfect shade of blue and a great weight for shorts. These guys have been pairing well with many things, especially some of my new Mercers.
The Essex Yarn Dye (in Espresso) has a really appealing texture and great color. I love a pair of linen shorts, and these are fitting in with the rest of my wardrobe so easily.
I used is my go-to shorts pattern (Built By Wendy for Simplicity #3850). Unfortunately it’s out-of-print, but you can find copies of it floating around on Ebay and Etsy. (Or you can also try Grainline’s Maritime shorts pattern.)
How about you just make my linen pants for me?