Maybe you noticed my latest video announcing my Languid fabric collection for Robert Kaufman. (If you haven't, you can see the video here.) I thought I'd share a few highlights in a post as ...
ray quilt
Grey Ray Quilt in CF Grid Group Fabrics
Are we surprised? I've made another Ray, this time a Grey Ray quilt using my CF Grid Group fabrics and Kona Sheen--the slightly shiny Kona solid counterpart.The FabricsWhen thinking about projects to ...
Ray Quilt Along #6: Put A Label On It!
Ray Quilt Along #6: Put A Label On It!Hey, it's a bonus! Now that the quilt is done, don't forget to put a label on it!Labels can be simple or fancy--that's up to you. It's always a good idea to mark ...
Ray Quilt Along #5: Bind and Finish.
Ray Quilt Along #5: Bind and Finish.Can you believe it? We've made it all the way to the end! My quilt is all quilted, and it's time to bind and finish it.Here's the video. What do you think? I know ...
Ray Quilt Along #4: Baste and Quilt.
Ray Quilt Along #4: Baste and Quilt.Who's ready to baste and quilt? I have to say that it always feels like a big milestone to get a project basted and ready to quilt. Since I'll be hand quilting this ...
Ray Quilt Along #3: Sew It Together.
Ray Quilt Along #3: Sew It Together.With everything cut out, let's sew it together! This part always feels like I'm cleaning, because I'm taking a bunch of pieces off the floor and turning them into a ...
Ray Quilt Along #2: Cut It Out.
Ray Quilt Along #2: Cut It Out.This week, let's cut everything out! Grab your fabrics and cutting guide, and let's have some fun. Here's the video.How about that? I'm pretty excited about where mine ...
Ray Quilt Along #1: Make A Plan.
Ray Quilt Along #1: Make A Plan.This week, let's make a plan! Let's hone in on our inspiration and then think about how to turn it into a project. Here's the video.What do you think? Do you have some ...
Ray Quilt Along: Announcement and Schedule.
Ray Quilt Along: Announcement and Schedule.Are you ready for a quilt along? This year has been a wild ride to say the least, and I can't think of a better reason to come together to finish it out in a ...
Meet, Kept–my newest fabric collection.
Meet kept--my newest fabric collection for Robert Kaufman.I have a new fabric collection, and it is called Kept. This is a small, 12-piece group that has a mellow feel and the ability to go with the ...