We’re almost a week out from the New Year, and so I’m thinking it might be a good time for a Start With A Finish (informal) QAL.
Is there a project you want to finish before 2019 gets here? I’ve had this one project that I’d really like to wrap up before the end of the year, and I thought it’d be fun to plan a little something special (or give myself a deadline) to do just that. And what a better way to hold myself accountable than to a) tell you about it, and b) invite you to do the same! Let’s do this. And if nothing else, it’s an excuse to sew.
Here are the details. Feel free to do the same or adjust to your situation. I know that this last week of the year can be a full one, as well as a time when you just want to relax, hang out with friends and family and not do anything. I’m in that boat too! But I also want to sew, because that is a good way for me to relax. This is why I’d like to keep this QAL super informal, but really fun and supportive. I’d love to have you join in whether you’re sewing along or watching and cheering along in spirit.
_ Time frame: December 26-31, 2018.
_ Project : That’s up to you! I have one project in mind, see below. It’s a project that is in bits and pieces, and my goal is to get a top sewn together. Anything past that would be a bonus.
_ How To Participate : I’ll post daily updates on Instagram using #startwithafinishQAL . Feel free to use the same hashtag so we can find and cheer each other along.
As for my project, I have my minis from the Mini QAL earlier this year, and I’d really like to sew them together into a quilt top. That’s going to be my focus, and I can’t wait to see something shape up!
If you’re celebrating Christmas tomorrow, I hope it’s Merry!
Great idea! I can’t say I’ll finish anything but I’d love to make some good progress on a hexie quilt I’ve had on the go for two years now.
This is a great idea! I’m joining in – I have one long term little project that needs to leave my studio. I don’t think I have time for more than that, but I’ll be so happy to have that one move out.
Fantastic idea! I’ve just gotten back to sewing after 6-7 months off due to injury and I have one project I want to get to top stage before my next surgery in a few weeks.
Yay! Glad you’re joining in. Happy New Year!
This is such a great idea. I will join you (all) 🙂 And all the best for the new year!
Great! Happy New Year, Melanie!
I missed out on this… but was working on my Bonnie Hunter Good Fortune Mystery quilt as much as possible during lastv week
Sounds great, Liz!