Here’s a little bit of what went down at the SewDown.
Robert Kaufman made sure there were mini charms with some of my favorite fabrics waiting for each student.
After getting registered, the whole gang made a trip out to Anna Maria Horner’s home and studio. It was gorgeous–no surprise! Her family also entertained us with some wonderful live music.
We paid a visit to a brand-new shop in Nashville called The Fabric Studio. It was lovely.
There was even a Botanics sighting…
Then there were the classes…
It was a truly fantastic group of students, and we worked on my Aerial quilt project.
The Sew Modern crowd was well represented.
as were so many other fun friends…
Lectures by Elizabeth Dackson, Alexia Abegg, and Maddie Kertay were also very memorable. Here’s Alexia and her Marcelle’s Medallion…so stunning.
I had such a blast. Everyone was full of enthusiasm, so talented, and just tons of fun to be around. Thanks so much to the MQG for hosting such a fabulous event, and big thanks for everyone who came out. You guys are all great.
For anyone who missed it, mark your calendars for QuiltCon 2015. You won’t want to miss it.
Did I mention that I will be teaching and lecturing…?
I’ll also be teaching loads more the rest of the year, including at SewOK, Camp Stitchalot, and many others. Check out my events page for more details.
Hopefully I’ll see you soon!
erin says
it was so fun! and so nice to see you again. here’s to the next time!!!
Leanne says
It was so nice to take your class and get to know you better in Nashville!
carolynfriedlander says
Thanks so much, Leanne! It was really great seeing you in Nashville!
stephanie says
man and I missed sneaking into your luggage:D
hope you put some Modern Sewciety bugs in people’s ears:) he he