I have some new supplies in the shop, and I thought I’d pop in to share a bit more about them.
CF Handy Guide
First up is a brand-new little tool I’ve been working on. I’m calling it the CF Handy Guide, because it’s just that–handy. It’s my take on the classic seam gauge, but with the quilter specifically in mind.
There’s something nice about a measuring tool that can fit in the palm of your hand, and this one is kept compact for that reason. Use it when checking in on the 1/4″ basting step in my appliqué patterns or to measure anything starting at 1/8″ and up.
The angled side at the bottom features a 120 degree angle–or that of a hexagon. If you’re piecing hexagons (or my hexagon project Arlo) and want to mark your points, it’s there at 1/4″ and 3/8″. The Arlo templates have these references as well, but here’s just another way to use it. You could use those reference lines to mark out a seamline too.
There are holes for marking corners 1/8″ to 1″. The little tabs that go out from the sides are great for marking seam allowances, etc, and the running measurement at the top is good for longer dimensions too.
It’s made of a rigid, clear plastic with a hang hole that you can thread a ribbon through or hang on its own. I’ve been meaning to thread one through a necklace to wear when sewing away, plus I think it’d be cute. Anyway, it’s handy! Let me know what you think. You can find it in the shop here.
Other New Supplies in the Shop
These other supplies are my go-tos. I don’t know about you, but with the reshuffle in the world over the last 6 months some things have been a bit harder to come by. Plus, I know that it’s often the small stuff like random needles, thread and other notions that can be a) hard to source, and b) hard to source all in one place. Here I wanted to make available my favorite things so you can get what you may need without any trouble.
That said, I recently updated my Needle Turn Appliqué tools list, which you can check out here.
Pins, Needles and Clips
My favorite Clover appliqué pins are now in the shop. They are incredibly handy.
The needles (also by Clover) that I love are now in the shop. These are my go-tos for appliqué, sewing binding and any other general hand sewing.
My favorite thimbles for hand appliqué and hand sewing (not hand quilting) are in the shop here. They are adhesive leather pads that can be reused again and again and again. I keep one stuck on a tin of thread gloss or my scissor case so it’s there when I need it. One pad lasts a surprisingly long time. If you are someone who feels like thimbles are clumsy or cumbersome, this one is easy to forget you are wearing. I have walked away from projects still wearing it many times.
I’ve added the small Clover clips that I use when cutting out any appliqués that require folding. The small size and strong grip allow for the perfect mix of doing the job while not getting in the way.
Marking Tools
In stock are my three favorites in this category as well; Frixion Red, Navy and the Gelly Roll in White. Big disclaimer on this and on all marking tools–always test your marking tools. That said, I use these to mark shapes that will be a) cut out and b) usually marked on the wrong side of the fabric. I am much less concerned about the removability and whether or not the marks will come back in these scenarios. The white pen is not removable, but given the situation I described above, that doesn’t matter to me. What is more important is how easily it marks on fabric and how clearly it shows up on the dark fabrics.
Also, the Frixion pens are the clicker style. That is totally my preference. If I’m going to pick something to offer to you, it’s going to be exactly the thing I want to use. Caps can be annoying, right?
Hand Quilting
The right tools make a big difference–especially when it comes to handwork. This is why I’m forever trying new things, plus I’m a total nerd on this kind of stuff. New needles that I have been LOVING lately are the Olympus Sashiko needles, which are available in a 2 pack or 4 pack. I started with the 2 pack, and I most often use the shorter needle, but the longer one is great too. (These are the needles I’ve been hand quilting my Hunt QAL project as well as Clay.)
I still love the Colonial Big Stitch Needle pack, and so it’s available here. It’s just a good mix of sizes with a big eye to accommodate the larger threads.
Unfortunately I’m already out of the bright yellow thread The thread that I used in Clay is in stock here.
I hope these new shop additions make sewing a little easier and more comfortable for you. Feel free to reach out and let me know what you think!
Laura says
I’m ordering the new ruler now! I can’t wait to have it in my EPP / Applique box. Your SEW FINE in citrus sage is almost good enough to eat, I’m ordering for my friend. Just an FYI I discovered a few months ago (and your great advice to use the Frixion on the back of the quilt top), I marked a quilt top for machine quilting with a Frixion pen over 7 years ago. This was after extensive testing on scraps, different washing methods, putting pieces in the freezer, you name it, I tried it. Every test showed with heat removal and a gentle wash with quilt soap, the lines wouldn’t come back in the freezer. What did happen is they came back after 7 years. I first tried my iron again in a few places and they would not disappear. So I washed it gently with quilt soap. Many of them washed out or faded considerably, EXCEPT the lines I had just applied the iron to. Lesson learned, after years, if lines come back, do not iron them again.
carolyn friedlander says
That is very interesting and helpful to hear, Laura! Marking tools are always such a tough call, because you’re right, you never know how the inks will change over time. Thanks for sharing this! And I’m really glad you like the thread gloss. 🙂