Hunt QAL #7 Check In.
This month’s check in is coming a week early because of the holiday next week. This shortens things a smidge for December, but lengthens the time until the next one. It’s a glass half empty/half full situation.

Since the last check in, I now have 11 blocks completely finished, 1 being appliquéd, 1 fully basted and several background options cut out. This means I finished 2 more blocks and started on a 3rd, which isn’t too terrible considering it’s December and there are other things and projects going on.

My approach continues to be a very relaxed one. This project is SO great for picking up in the evenings when I don’t have the energy/focus/motivation for anything else. It’s great.

The plan is still to wrap up on all of the blocks before the end of the next 2 months, and I think I can get there!

Highlights and reflections this month include the following:
+ I’m liking the strategic discovery last month in how I’m appliquéing the pieces.
+ I discovered new needles this month and am giving them a try. Clover size 10 Appliqué needles are my go-to, but when some 12s came under my radar I had to give them a go. They’re a bit thinner and slightly shorter than what I’m used to, and they’re great! 10s are still my favorite, but I’ll definitely be using these as well.

+ This month I’ve squeezed in some other projects, including some gift sewing that I can’t share yet, and a Wiksten shift for myself. (Sidenote; I’m LOVING it, it’s such a great pattern.) After shooting a pic of it with a finished Hunt block, it gave me the idea of a potential mixing of the two…
Thanks for following along, see you next month!

(If you’d like a copy of my Hunt pattern or the templates, you can find them here and here.)
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