Also new this spring is my Hesperides Quilt Pattern–a design that I’ve had a lot of fun with.
While playing with my new collection Euclid, I kept thinking about opposites–both in terms of shape and weight, transparency and opacity.
The meatiness of Euclid pairs so well with lighter fabrics like lawn and quilting cotton. It’s a visual and tactile feast for the senses!
The opposing shapes of the design–well rounded and also to the point–are both comforting and challenging (in a good way).
While this is a design I’ve been eager to pattern, it’s also a pattern that I’m eager to start teaching (and will be at QuiltCon 2017!). The curved shapes are a perfect intro to anyone new to applique, and the pointed shapes make for an excellent challenge to anyone already familiar with applique. As a seasoned appliquer myself, I love testing my skills with shapes like these. And what’s more, trying them with different types of fabric is even better and more exciting. (Yes, I’m a huge dork and find this stuff exciting. Don’t be surprised.)
The projects on the cover are for some shams–a perfectly-sized project to bite off relatively easily, but there are quilt sizes included as well. In fact, a wall-hanging-sized version was the last sample that I finished for my booth at Spring Quilt Market.
Composing this piece was another good kind of challenge (also a teaching point I plan to cover in my future Hesperides classes). It pushed me to think about the fabrics and shapes in new ways individually and as a whole.
pattern : Hesperides Quilt Pattern (new to my pattern collection!)
fabric(s) : Euclid, Essex, Cambridge Lawn (all by Robert Kaufman)
Your colors and style always amaze me;)
Thanks so much, Katie!