Best of 2018 + a giveaway
If you haven’t taken a moment to look back on 2018, I encourage you to do it! Whether it’s looking back through your calendar, flipping through photos on your phone or compiling a nice spread of images, it can be as easy as you want it to be. I’ll admit that I often come into the New Year feeling a little overwhelmed by everything I want to do. Looking back has this magical way of relaxing me a bit, and it gets me excited to see how the new year unfolds.
As for 2018, here are some highlights:
+ New Patterns – Lusk, Davie, Babson, Hunt, Lott Quilts (A, B/C and D), and Mini Eads
+ Acrylic Templates(!!) for Hunt.
+ New Fabric – Polk and Harriot, plus new Architextures Wide and a special bundle of Kona Cotton Solids
+ Special collaboration with Sew Fine Thread Gloss
+ Two new project bags
+ Some Quilt Alongs – WainwrightAL, CF Mini Along, Start With A Finish QAL
And now for a giveaway. To enter, leave a comment below about a highlight for you in 2018 and/or something you’re looking forward to in 2019. I’ll select 6 winners at random to receive some of the goodies below on Monday, January 7, 2019 10am Eastern. Giveaway closed–thanks to everyone for entering!
Thanks for all of your support this year! I wish you all the very best in 2019.
Hoogtepunt in 2018 was de zomervakantie en ik kijk uit naar het familieweekend.
I’m looking forward to revamping some of my wardrobe with sewn pieces….and, on a travel note, heading to Sisters in July to see old friends, learn a lot, and sew like a beast!
Love your fabric and sense of design. Thank you for the look back at 2018. The highlight of my 2018 from a quilting perspective was definitely going to the International Quilt Show in Houston. So many talented folks out there and seeing the amazing quilts was jaw dropping. I am really looking forward to going to Craft Napa in 2019. See you there!
2018 – a move to a new, slower paced city and grandkids!
2019 – coming to A Crafting Life in Napa and taking two of your classes!
2018 – finished a twin sized quilt, my biggest yet (with Doe fabric)
2019 – planning to have a table at a small, local craft fair to sell some fabric goods
2018 brought a surprise selling of our home. 2019 will bring us to a new home in South Carolina, a long way from the cold and snow of Michigan. Once we are settled I look forward to getting my quilting space together and quilts made.
One of my very top highlight of 2018 was finishing a beginner quilting class BOM at our LQS with my sister. We have finished all 12 blocks and will get it quilted in 2019
I traveled a lot and met some amazing people—including you. I’m looking forward to major changes in my life in 2019.
I’m looking forward to finishing up some projects and starting a couple of quilts that have been calling to me.
2018 was the year I learned all about applique, and discovered I really love it! In 2019 I’m looking forward to more applique exploration and am getting lots of inspiration from your new Hunt pattern! All the best to you in 2019 as well!
2018 was the first time I tried paper piecing…not a fan, but am going to keep trying to get comfortable with it! I want to slow down the rush of machine piecing and do some hand piecing and appliqué this year. I want to try some of your tips (thread and thread conditioner) and enjoy the process.
For 2018’ im most proud of sewing a few articles of clothing that I wear all the time! I’m most looking forward to learning a couple of new skills this year. I’m currently knitting my first ever swatch of yarn, and I’ll be learning appliqué with Carolyn at QuiltCon in February!!!
My highlight for 2018 was attending Sewtopia Boston. I enjoy following along with your adventures. Thanks for sharing.
2018 Playing with fabrics with non quilting friends to select their favorite fabric designs. They had no idea of the beautiful fabrics and how they went together to showcase each and every one.
2019 Learning how to use my new Bernina and paper piecing the new Trinkets pattern. And going to Paducah!
My 2018 highlight was definitely finding my love of the process of making again. I’d been so focused on the product that I forgot to enjoy the journey. As a traveler with incurable wanderlust, the journey has always been as much of a highlight as the destination and I found that joy again in my creating. As for 2019, I’ve resolved to read fiction again (I’ve been reading non-fiction almost exclusively for a decade!) and have decided to make this the year of the novel. 5 days in and I’m on my second book, so I have hopes this might work. With the world as crazy as it is, I think the escape of a good book will go far.
Happy 2019! The highlight of 2018 for me was finishing your Paper-Pieced Quilts quilt from Creativebug. The class was wonderful and the quilt now hangs in my office, eliciting comments from many co-workers about the striking design. My 2019 plans include completing a quilt from your Howard block pattern made entirely from thrifted shirts. Have a wonderful year!
2018 was difficult with several personal losses. I sewed through my pain and donated somewhere around 50 quilts. I lost track. In 2019 I am going to think positive and enjoy my friends and family. I know I will quilt away.
To be honest going to Quiltcon in 2018 was a highlight as It was very inspiring and yet relaxful. For 2019 I am looking forward to traveling and my challenge lists such as monthly apparel making.
Best of 2018 was that I rediscovered hand sewing. It was the perfect summer project and I even finished a whole quilt with it!
Looking forward to completing many projects started in the last two years.
Happy to have met some charity sewing goals for 2018 as well as 3 large bed quilts. Looking forward to a special project for my grandson.
I enjoyed finishing my first two throw size quilts in 2018 and I’m looking forward to more fabric fun next uear.
I’m looking forward to starting two new BOMs in 2019.
I’ve enjoyed cross country train travel in 2018, with my crafts of course, and am planning more of the same in 2019. I’m fascinated with your Everglades quilt, on my list for 2019. Finishing several sweaters started in 2018 is on my list as well. Hopefully there will be some new hand-sewn garments in my wardrobe this year. Quilting, garment sewing and knitting are the best!
One of my goals was making some clothes. I sewed three Willow tunics, two in your fabrics, and three pairs of leggings, two in your knit stripes. They are always what I reach for first. This year I look forward to QuiltCon and all the inspiration it will bring.
Made a queen sized quilt for m daughter with your fabric. It was lovely to work with and she loves the quilt.
2018-I became an Island Batik Ambassador. 2019-I will publish 4 patterns! Thank you for sharing your beautiful work.
I’m not remembering one special highlight for 2018 but maybe just being happy or content of year three as a widower. For 2019, I want to move WIPs into finished projects which includes being more efficient machine quilting. Admire your immense talent and hope you have a great year!
I’m looking forward to slowing down and trying to enjoy each day a little more (and add a little more hand sewing to my day). I’m really intrigued by the scented thread gloss you’ve talked about.
What a productive year you had!
My highlight of 2018 was trying to build a habit of always working on the thing that *needed* to be done next (instead of jumping from project to project or starting something new) … it worked and there ended up being more time for what mattered, and I lost that feeling of being scattered all the time.
My plan for 2019 is to sew more clothes for myself, and not be in a rush to do it.
I’m looking forward to moving my sewing room from upstairs to downstairs so I have a lot more space to quilt. Also need to work on getting some UFOs finished.
The year ahead looks much less scheduled. I’m looking forward to the wide open spaces of time that allow me to morph into my creative self.
My highlight in 2018 was a trip to Spain to paint and falling in love with appliqué. This year I am looking forward to a textile trip to Morocco with my stitch sister and putting my 220 Wainwright squares into a quilt.
Thanks so much for all inspiration!
In 2018 it was fun to knit up a few interesting piecea (shawls, hats, butterfly toy from Making to name a few). Only made one quilt, so in 2019 I hope to make three quilts and finish several languishing projects.
Wishing you all kinds of joy, health and magic for this new year.
Congratulations on a great 2018! My highlights from 2018 include having 2 quilts juried in to the Quilts=Art=Quilts exhibition at Schweinfurth Gallery and one into Form Not Function at the Carnegie Center New Albany. I also finished 3 large quilts; for me, that’s about 4 feet by 5 feet. I’m looking forward to continuing with this series, taking a class from Nancy Crow, and growing as a artist. Even though I use a lot of my own hand-dyed fabric, I think your patterned fabric would work beautifully with my abstract designs. I would love to take some with me to the Crow Barn in October!
2018 was a busy year! I’m hoping to get back to a regular habit (at least weekly🤞🏻)of sewing
My daughter started kindergarten which has definitely been a highlight of the last year. Happy New Years!
ooohhh, highlight was my two older boys playing jazz at the historic gem theater in the 18th and vine district
In 2018 I made my first three non-mini quilts and gifted them all, in 2019 I’m looking forward to my first quilt for me and 21 other quilt projects I have planned plus numerous others I haven’t planned, like my current project which is a row of mountains made all with your fabric designs!
I’m looking forward to making some new blouses with three of your fabrics very soon. Further forward would be a year off finishes just for me, I give so much away so that would be nice.
I’m looking forward to sewing more pieces for my wardrobe in 2019, as well as making some new quilts.
One highlight was my very first Quiltcon in Pasadena 😊 in 2019 I‘m looking forward to visiting NYC . Thank you for the opportunity 😊
Looking forward to creating a handsewn piece, some first time holiday quilts, and creating my own quilt pattern!
The highlight of 2018 was taking your Eads class at the modern quilt show in Pasadena and attending your lecture. Thank you for being such an inspiration to the quilting community!💕❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Barb
The best part of 2018 was taking classes that expanded my skills and really slowing down to make something by hand that I love. I look forward to expanding my skills to integrate needle craft into my quilting and to learn to sew garments.
Best 2018 moment was watching my sister open her acceptance letter from her top choice of colleges.
I’m looking forward to finishing up a couple of wips so that I can get started on a bunch of ideas that have been percolating for a while. Also looking forward to an upcoming trip to Japan, and all the inspiration I hope I will find there. Here’s to getting to see you again soon!!
I made my first throw quilt this year, and moved back to my home state and started a new job as I finished it. I hope this year to continue quilting and bag making, and grow more in my skills with new patterns.
A 2018 highlight was moving from a tiny RV to a stuck house with a sewing room. Looking back and looking forward to more creation and pushing myself to try new things.
This year I discovered Instagram and your fabrics! With my architecture background and your Architextures, I am really looking forward to designing a new quilt for our king-sized bed! Oh, and I bought a new sewing machine in December and can’t wait to start a new project!
Looking forward to QuiltCon in Nashville. I’m using your pattern Lusk for the MQG mini quilt swap. Also looking forward to Quilters Affair in July (taking one of your classes). In 2018 I had a great time at QuiltCon and Quilters Affair but one my biggest highlights was taking a 3 day workshop with Valori Wells – absolutely inspirational ❣️
A highlight of 2018 for me was making my daughter’s twin-sized quilt for her. It was pretty complicated piecing and I felt a true sense of accomplishment when it was finally finished!
My 11-year-old granddaughter asking me to make her a quilt that she will keep “forever and ever” was the highlight for 2018 and I’m looking forward to finishing it and giving it to her in 2019.
In 2018 I got to make a quilt I had been planning for 5 ½ years. And, thanks to your patterns, I have been enjoying a lot more hand sewing. This year I’m looking forward to more quilting and more hand sewing (and hand quilting!)
In 2018, I donated 2 quilts (one mini and one small throw) to really great causes!
Congrats on such a great year with so many accomplishments! One of my goals this year is to fill in some gaps in my handmade wardrobe and I’m really looking forward to using some of your new line, Harriot, for them. The new fabrics are so classic with clean lines! Happy new year to you and may this year be your best yet!
Finishing up my New Orleans Map Quilt in 2018 and starting the CF Rin Quilt in 2019!
A quilty highlight was to design and create 3 different and distinct gift quilts that match the new couples who received them. Fun accomplishment!
I am looking forward to getting my sewing MoJo back. I lost it somewhere last year.
2018 brought me several well done projects and two cats and a new job. 2019 will be full of figuring several of those things out and more sewing.
My highlight was finishing my EADS minus the binding which is in my to sew pile. I love this quilt so much.
Definitely a highlight was releasing my first pattern! What a learning curve!
Looking forward to much, much more handstitching – maybe the Wainwright pattern?!
Took a class with Denyse Schmidt at Alewives Fabric in Maine and used your fabrics for the Free Wheeling Single Girl pattern. Absolutely love all of your lines!
Highlight was making lots of baby quilts! Looking forward to making a tamarack jacket!
2018 highlight – learning how to hand quilt in a class taught by Pam Beal at Madeline Island
2019 – so excited to be going to QuiltCon in Nashville, and looking forward to expanding my improv quilting skills
2018 was the year of quilt tops. I think I pieced 15 (2 of which were with Gleaned, 1 with Carkai and 1 with Friedlander fabrics)! They are stacked a mile high in a closet, so I hope to make 2019 the year of finishing quilts 🙂
Getting juried in to Quiltcon was definitely a sewing highlight for me in 2018, as was leading a quilt guild, getting quilts talked about in our local art scene, and teaching young ones how to sew.
The highlight of 2018 was having my baby! And I can’t wait for Quilt Con in 2019!
My big highlight was sewing Aneela Hoey’s Stitched Sewing Organizers book from cover to cover with the SAL. It was epic and I was so happy to be able to accomplish every single project!
We bought a house in Maine this year! I’m looking forward to throwing myself into more projects this year, including craft and home projects.
I became a mom in 2018 🥰 😴 so that was wonderful. In 2019, I look forward to carving out a tiny bit of sewing time each Sunday night to get back to making things!
I made a beautiful tangelo quilt for my grandson’s new big boy bed. He was thrilled. I hope to make the rin quilt for myself this year. I love your fabric and patterns!
In 2018 I learned how to dig deep and stay strong. I used to let things easily overwhelm me and I showed myself what I am made of! In 2019 I want to keep on striving for bigger goals like make more quilts, read more books and try new things!
I’m looking forward to finishing some UFOs so that I can make room for new projects.
I learned how to quilt in 2018 and I’m so excited to see what projects and growth 2019 will bring!
Highlight of the year was having a baby on my birthday (12 mins after arriving at the hospital! Yikes!) and looking forward to cutting into some of my favorite fabrics I’ve collected this past year!
I’m looking forward to seeing what inspiration YOU will be sharing with us!❤
I’m looking forward to finishing my first pieced quilt, started this week!
In 2018 my husband and I took a trip to Japan. What an awesome learning experience that was!
I was away from home and my sewing machine for most of 2018, but now that I’m back I look forward to getting my sewing momentum going. All the best in 2019 for you!
Having my quilt Broadcast picked to be part of the QuiltCon traveling show was a huge thrill for me in 2018. My quilt has been to more countries than I have! In 2019 I’m really looking forward to making a pair of Wildabon quilts for my parents and working on some colorful adventurous quilt designs!
2018 was a whirlwind. Two factories creativitly speaking.
1. Moving into a new home and setting up my studio, the largest I have ever had.
2. Putting on a show with my quilt guild. Small works. It was amazing and I was proud to work with everyone involved.
Favorites not factories!
In 2018, I got accepted into the UofM landscape architecture program, pretty excited to get started on a lifelong goal.
Highlights of 2018 – I successfully sewed several garments. I also adopted three antique Singer sewing machines. My 2019 goals are to sew more garments and to get to know those three machines better.
Good reminder to look back occasionally. A highlight for me this year was trading some sewing for the products of friends’ skills. Our own little skill share! In 2019 I’m hoping to host a few fix-it days for beginning sewists/refashioners.
Sent my oldest to college in another state. Watching your children turn into decent human being that are working on bettering themselves and bettering the world around them is a good feeling.
I realized at the end of 2018 that I hadn’t been doing enough selfish sewing. I will prioritize myself in 2019.
A highlight of 2018 was starting a sewing club at the middle school where I work. I’m having fun teaching them and learning with them. Hopefully 2019 will afford me time to complete some sewing projects including some articles of clothing.
I am looking forward to the new people I will meet through swimming and advocacy work. Sewing-wise, I started an Eads in 2018 that I will finish in 2019. Plus a sewing weekend with a great friend coming up.
I’m looking forward to spending more time with family. For my sewing, I am looking forward to making Christmas ornaments to give to friends.
2018 highlight was a trip to Morrocco with friends and spending time camping in the Sahara, looking forward to Sisters quilt show and taking your Tangello class!
Hi Carolyn! Learning to like appliqué was one of the highlights and surprises of 2018!! Wainwright has helped me with that! Looking forward to more paper piecing, more totes and more pouches this year! Thanks for your inspiration and guidance! :);)
This year’s highlight was a large market bag I made for my sister and this year is a family trip to Chicago to explore the city and see a couple Cubs games.
2018 was a difficult year for me but attending your retreat at Fancy Tiger Crafts was a real highlight! In 2019, I’m looking forward to hopefully another retreat of some sort and just spending some good, quality time with my family and friends.
My highlight in 2018 was purchasing a straight stitch machine. I found it easier on my aging hands and I powered through lots of complicated and varied techniques and patterns. But in 2019, I’ve decided to focus on projects that just involve hand work instead, before they stop working altogether. First up is the Wildebon! Thanks for your inspiring blog Carolyn. I always look forward to each new post.
The feather quilt that I made for a friend who lost her husband was my favorite make last year. I never took a full photo of it completed, just a few pics as went along. It was a hard quilt to make.
I’m looking forward to taking part in the unconventional and unexpected qal this year at Root Connection. Love seeing your makes throughout the year!
Hello Carolyn,
My best in 2018 was being able to visit my daughter who lives in Missoula, Montana, whom I hadn’t seen for 18 months.( I live in Lyon, France).
I discovered a great quilt store at the same time ( the confident stich which carries your fabrics 🙂 ).
My wish for 2019 is 1rst to stay healthy and continue to improve my skills in quilting and continue getting inspired by wonderful artists like you.
I wish you my best
Biggest highlight for me in quilting was learning to knot the correct end of the thread! It may sound simple but it’s things like these that make all the difference.
In 2019, I’m looking forward to making lots of mini quilts with an emphasis on hand sewing skills.
A highlight was improving my quilting skills so that could finish my Aussie girt by sea quilt and send to friends for their housewarming. Looking forward to quiltcon in Nashville and meeting friends old and new.
I made great progress on my handmade wardrobe. I added 2 dresses, 2 skirts, and many tops. This year I’m looking forward to adding quilting to my sewing repertoire
I was just so happy to finish several things in 2018. I joined a couple qal’s and finished strong at the end of the year by using up some overflowing scraps too.
Happy 2019! 2018 was a year of learning to let myself go at my own pace. I learned to stop comparing myself to all the Instagrammers who are SO fast! I’ve enjoyed everything you have done this year Carolyn and looking forward to more new things!
My highlight for 2018 was a trip to San Francisco to gift my daughter and son in law with the very first full size quilt I have ever made. Happy New Year to you!
Hello! My highlight of 2018 was making some clothes, not just quilts! I had aimed for one good garment and instead made 5! Pants, T-shirt’s and a wiksten haori, so I was pretty pleased in the end! This year I want to make a detailed traditional red and white king sized quilt! Happy 2019!!
2018 was a year I practiced patience. I continued to develop my skills as an instructor. It’s so rewarding to help students develop a love of quilting. In 2019 I hope to work on carving out my personal style.
In 2018 we started the process of adopting a child, which has certainly been very exciting!
Thank you for hosting the #startwithafinish. You encouraged me to finish an EPP project that I had been working on for 6 years. It felt great starting the New Year with one less WIP/UFO on my mind. Here’s to less WIP/UFO guilt and more finishes in 2019!