It’s really crazy that 2016 is almost over. It’s been a good year, and as always, I’m going to put together a little year-end digest to see what has happened. If you’re like me and always thinking ahead, you know that it’s too easy to forget things that have already happened. This is why it can be such a treat to take a look back, and also why it is so important. So do it! You’ll be glad you did.
It’s been a great year, and I am kind of surprised by how much stuff I made. The release of Euclid meant I could sew up all kinds of stuff from clothes to accessories to quilts, and Friedlander and Carkai got sewn into projects new and old throughout the year. I had a great time teaching at several places across the country, but especially during my first overseas teaching trip to Australia.
I’m so grateful for all of your support, and as a thank you I’m happy to give away some of the highlights from this year. Up to grabs, we have – Local 2016, Morris Lawn, Pine, a Friedlander FQ bundle, some Euclid FQs, Hesperides, Crew, Rin and Wildabon.
To enter, simply leave a comment on this post about something special from 2016 OR something you’re looking forward to in 2017. I’ll be picking 9 winners on Friday, January 6 at 11am EST. Giveaway is now closed, but thank you for all of your comments! I enjoyed reading through each and every one of them.
Thanks again for your continued support, and I wish you all the best in 2017!
Something special from 2016 – finally bought my own sewing machine after growing up using my mother’s 🙂
Happy new year!
2016 was full of many good things! One of the best was taking a class with you at Craft South in Nashville- such fun stitching inspiration!
Despite my husband’s third battle with lung cancer, he’s made it through another year. I’m looking forward to a new year of colour, creativity, and simplicity with him. All the best to you and your loved ones in 2017.
What beautiful fabric, so fresh and vibrant, a wonderful example of when creativity meets passion.
Continue the thread,
2016-i started epp and became obsessed. it feels wonderful to find my self care activity that adds so much joy and color to my life.
2017-i’m looking forward to finishing my la passacaglia and to starting oodles of other projects!
I love your style! Beautiful photography and projects (and fabric!) My favorite memory of 2016 is the birth of my son. He’s the total apple of my eye, and he’s teaching me a lot more than I’m teaching him, for sure!
I love your style! I’m looking into learning more about hand quilting and Sashiko in the new year. I love machine quilting so this is all exciting and new.
Amazing all you’ve accomplished, bravo! I love all your fabric lines, so refreshing to see something other than floral motifs! In 2017 I’d like to step out of my quilting ‘comfort zone’, try new to me techniques, maybe even try dying fabric! Whoooo! 😄 Best to you in 2017!
My husband and I are celebrating our 5th anniversary on NYE which is always a great way to end the year. And I’m looking forward to finishing my Park Bench quilt that I made using only your fabrics (felt fitting to make a park bench quilt with fabrics from a former architect, which I’m on my way to becoming myself).
First baby!!! I want to sew him all the things!
Happy New Year! I appreciate our family trip to Hawaii in 2016 and my continued and growing friendship with my favorite guild mates!
Something awesome about 2016 was that I made my first two quilts ever!
My husband and I will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary this NYE, so that is always a great way to end the year. And I’m looking forward to finishing my Park Bench quilt that I made with only your fabric (felt fitting to make a park bench quilt with fabrics from an architect, especially when I’m in the process of being one myself). Love what you do, keep on creating amazing things! Happy New Year!
In 2017 I am looking forward to joining the London MQG, sharing and learning with other quilters.
2016 special was finding your instagram and web site. 2017 special is my daughter just returned from deployment and we will see her next month!
I sold a quilt for the first time in 2016! And in 2017 I am just excited to keep creating and connecting with more makers!
I am designing an appliquéd block of the month for my guild and I am both excited and incredibly nervous about it. But really looking forward to seeing it finished in 2017.
I love your fabric and the simplicity of your designs. I hope to finish what I started in 2017!
2016- finally moved from quilting and random sewing projects to making actual clothes thanks to a good friend with lots of patience! 2017 goal- to continue nurturing the creative life of my children and women around me- oh and protect my own creative time- Onward!
I’m looking forward to sewing more of your fabrics in 2017, particularly Euclid. And hopefully seeing another Euclid release. Happy New Year!
Congratulations to you on a year of beautiful fabrics and creative ideas. I joined my local fiber arts group LAFTA and had a piece selected for their annual show. I also sold several pieces of art this year. In 2017, I’m going to make larger quilts and enter them into some national juried shows!
2016 was the kickoff of my longarm quilting business. It was kind of a big deal, for me at least! Lol. Thank you for the beautiful giveaway Carolyn, you do such lovely work and have so much to be proud of. Cheers to 2017!
I’m looking forward to attending my first QuiltCon in 2017!
Something special for me from 2016 was renting a studio for myself for the first time. It’s been a wonderful experience! It gets me out of the home studio and around other creatives like me. Thank you for the giveaway and as always, for the incredible designs, fabric, projects, and inspiration that you share with us. Have a happy and healthy New Year!
My goal for 2017 is to do more handwork. It will keep productive when I’m away. It started in 2016 with an applique class (with you at Craft South). I also have a hand quilting workshop I’m looking forward to at QuiltCon 2017 and with my local guild.
Happy New Year!!
I’m hoping to get my sew-jo back. 2016 was a crazy year (not in a bad way haha) and I’m looking forward to taking time to focus on me 🙂 as always, I could look at your beautiful creations over and over. I’m a big fan. Cheers to 2017!
2016 was a doozy. I *finally* got the job I’ve been longing for which has been wonderful for me health wise and for my family (I worked night shift for a long 3 years). And after a very rough 2015, my extended family and I have worked hard on our relationships and I feel closer than ever to them. And I started a Girl Scout troop of Daisies!
Looking forward to the new year!
I’ve loved seeing so much of your work on IG and in my local quiltshops this year. Especially enjoyed your CreativeBug classes. I’m personally looking forward to traveling to Alaska in 2017. Hopefully some handwork will keep my hands busy along the way.
I am thankful for a healthy puppy. When I adopted her she couldn’t stand up and now she’s picking on her big brother! Looking forward to doing some slow stitching in the coming year!
My daughter is graduating from High school this Summer, it will be a great day of celebration!!! I am also looking forward to spending more time creating in 2017! Carolyn, I love your work and beautiful fabrics, thank you for the amazing giveaway!
I’m adapting your Tangelo pattern to King size for our new bed. I’ve never made anything this big before and I’m super excited to use one of your wide backs to complete it! Started in 2016, will finish in 2017. Happy new year!
Happy 2017 to you and yours. I found you through Creative Bug and have been a customer and a huge fan ever since. Your projects are all so incredible.
2016 had some wonderful highlights:
My eldest son got married in Guadalajara, MX and he and his wife have created a lovely life together.
I lost 45lbs and gained a whole lot of muscle. I’m only 5″2 so it really shows 🙂
My youngest two boys started college.
My husband did a 70.3 triathlon and finished well under the time he was hoping for.
I got to see my best friend for the first time in 22 years.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Special from 2016 – a new granddaughter born on her brother’s March 8 birthday – two little ones to sew and quilt for.
At the ripe age of 71, I have finished my first quilt top, a Dresden plate of Christmas fabric for my sister. It was such fun and I proved to myself that I could do it. Enjoy following your blog and seeing your creations.
I am looking forward to lots more sewing time, being able to travel with my husband, and my sons graduating with their Master’s Degrees.
I completed 5 quilts and finally joined a guild in 2016- I’m looking forward to learning from my community in 2017.
We will be spending our winter weekends in the mountains this year for skiing, and I won’t have my sewing machine with me. However, I am very excited to spend peaceful, snowy days with my needleturn applique and growing my collection of Alturas blocks. Thank you for your inspirational patterns and fabrics – your creativity has brought much joy to my life.
We are spending our 2017 winter weekends skiing in the mountains and, while I won’t have my sewing machine, I look forward to peaceful snowy days with my Alturas blocks and other needle turn applique. Thank you for your inspiring patterns and fabrics. It fuels my creativity and brings so much joy to my life!
I’ve been trying to push boundaries with every project & I’m excited about learning more new skills & creating beautiful things that I never thought possible. I’m looking forward to experimenting with design & pattern & your fabrics, more than any others, allow & encourage me to have fun & to explore new avenues – to play & have fun. It’s a ‘be brave’ New Year!
In 2016 I completed my first quilt! I have been sewing for a year now, and I love it! To me it has been like therapy, an escape to a wonderful creative world with endless possibilities.
Such a good year, thank s for the chance to win 🙂
I’ve loved following your Savor Each Stitch book and Creativebug patterns in 2016. They were so much fun and I’ve learnt lots! Thank you
looking forward to the arriving of your fabrics in Europe
Me and my husband took our then 9 month old baby boy on a road trip through California. Living in a small town in the U.K. it’s fair to say this trip was epic. Everything from the scenery to the people to the food! Plus I visited a great quilt shop in LA! Xx
I completed the 100 days 100 blocks challenge in Instagram, using only your fabrics. I’m in love!
I can’t want to get my hands on your new line in 2017.
So much beauty in all of your photos. I’m looking forward to more appliqué in some of your new patterns. I’m also excited about a new project I just started pairing your fabrics with some small Sevenberry florals I just picked up.
In 2017 I’m looking forward to fulfilling my lifetime dream of starting nursing training despite being almost 52. First I have to work as a volunteer in a caring setting so I’m going to the local hospita tol help stroke patients prepare to go home. I’m hoping I can make lap quilts for some of the patients!
I surprised a special friend with a quilt. She helped me through a tough time and I really wanted to make her something to show her how much her friendship meant to me.
I am so looking forward to getting familiar with my fancy new machine and learning some new techniques like curves piecing! Happy New Year!
I’m not sure if my previous comment went through. But I was able to surprise a dear friend with a quilt this year.
We bought a house and I finally have my own sewing space/room:)
Looking forward to in 2017 – CA on a project wrapping up, which hopefully means more time for other projects (including personal, such as sewing!)
I made 2 large Quilts and quilted 2 others in 2016!! Hope I can top that!!!
Thank you.
Am contemplating a first quilt in 2017 — after a lifetime of sewing, I think the quilting bug may have just bitten me!
Sounds like a blast. My favorite part of 2016 was learning to foundation paper piece. I’m looking forward to conquering appliqué in 2017! Happy New Year!
2016 – I feel that I really advanced my sewing skills (I finished 28 things!). I also attended one of your workshops and got better at hand sewing!
2017 – I plan to do a lot of selfish crafting this year. Of those 28 things I made, only a few were for me. I want to keep more of my FOs around this year.
Cut back my work hours in 2016 and will retire totally in 2017! Now I’ll have more time to hone my quilting skills!
We took our (then) one year old daughter to the beach up in Maine for the first time this year. She LOVED the water so much.
After months of rehab on my frozen shoulder I was able to finish 2 special quilts…one for my BIL and the other for my daughter. My BIL had a stroke so I wanted to give him the gift of comfort…what better way than with a quilt.
In 2016 I got a lot braver in my sewing, especially with garments. In 2017 I hope to use up a lot of my stash and keep tbuilding new skills.
I used your fabrics in nearly all of the quilts I finished in 2016. I have lots and I keep buying more! Happy New Year!
This year, I finally started sewing! I took few classes and enjoying creating little things!
In 2016 I learned to love knitting! And I’m really just hoping 2017 isn’t horrible…
Congrats on your fabulous year! Looking forward to a new creative direction of my life in 2017! Happy New Year!
I have a new sewing machine and am learning to Free Motion Quilt finally. VERY excited to continue this learning process in 2017! Thank you for this giveaway. I LOVE your fabrics.
I am going to hike my first long trail, and make my first large quilt!
I finished the City Sampler #100days100block challenge and I used your fabrics along with a couple of other RK lines. I am looking forward to finishing the queen quilt in 2017. Thank you so much!
I look forward to making my first ever garment and growing some veggies to try and start living sustainably.
Well, I ended 2016 with a bad bike crash and a broken arm. That brought my sewing to a screeching halt. The silver lining is that its made me reflect more about the things I’ve made and loved and those things which I rushed into into in a fit of impulsivity but somewhere along the way regretted. In 2017, I will take it slow and will approach projects with more careful consideration. On the 2017 sewing list is a bed-sized quilt and a button-down shirt. Happy new year!
2016 was extra special because two new granddaughters were born. We are so blessed that they are healthy and happy.
In 2016 I learned a lot about experiencing deep sadness and tremendous joy at the same time and it’s taught me I can handle more than I thought I could. The saying, “When life hands you scraps, make a quilt” is so true. In 2017 I plan to work on some bucket list projects, including the Botanics pattern, which I just finished prepping for my hand sewing project of the year. Thanks for sharing your talents with us!
Lovely things you made! I look forward in 2017 to start machine quilting. Yay! And I have quite a pile of tops waiting to be quilted…
Have a wonderfuls strt into the new year, hugs Martina
I can’t wait for more self-designed sewing in 2017. Time to bring those ideas to life!
Thanks for such a generous giveaway, Carolyn! For 2017, I’m looking forward to playing with Friedlander fabric, and my partner and I are finally taking the house-hunting plunge. Happy new year!
I am looking forward to starting Arial Grove– just bought your book and preordered Freidlander! Thanks for the giveaway!
I always find your posts so calming with your photos of beautiful fabrics and wonderful quilts.
Next year I look forward to sewing a quilt kit I have already bought that has only your fabrics in it.
What an incredible body of work for 2016, Carolyn. You are such a wonderful inspiration! I think I’m going to tackle one of your quilt designs this year and The Local is it! It’s been a bit of a challenging year, ups and downs, so my fingers are crossed for 2017.
All the best to you and yours!
I’m finally going to make myself a dress in 2017!! Ack! I’m a little terrified, but I’m absolutely determined.
Thanks to you and Creativebug, I learned two techniques in 2016 that I’d wanted to learn for a long time — needle-turn appliqué and paper-piecing. For 2017 I am looking forward to putting those techniques to good use. first up: your Collection quilt.
In 2017 I am looking forward to joining the London MQG – learning and sharing quilt ideas, progressing my wildabon Applique and getting my hands on the Friedlander fabric when it arrives in the UK
Great post! I’m really looking forward to Quiltcon in 2017!
This I will be taking the plunge and getting a frame for my Bernina Q20, ie no more basting! Thanks for the chance to win.
In 2016 I was able to set up my sewing room in an organized way. In 2017 looking forward to making quilts to give to people who are sick or going through hard times.
You’ve had a great year, such great makes. I’m looking forward to some hand quilting projects
I am happy that we were able to spend a lot of time enjoying the cabin and lake this year.
2017 Looking forward to creating things that make me happy and to teaching my 5 year old granddaughter to sew.
It was a great year. My husband and I both celebrated turning 60. Next year we will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary.
So many new projects. Hopefully some will involve the Doe fabric that I have been hoarding. Gotta finish up this queen size first. Have a great year. From up the road in Tampa!. Thanks for all you do! Ellen
In 2017, I’m looking forward to sew some clothes and a quilt for me, usually I always end up sewing clothes and quilts for my kids or family 😊!
Your fabrics and patterns are the best. This coming year I am looking forward to trying new techniques. It’s going to be a good year!
In 2017, we will be blessed to greet OUR FIRST GREATGRANDDAUGHTER ! Thank You for a neat giveaway! HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL !
As always soooo much to finish and lots of ideas percolating! I love simple beauty of “Aerial Grove” – on my 2017 project list for sure!
I’m looking forward to seeing some items to sell this year. I also adore your Wildabom pattern and would love to make it!
Looking forward to trying more handwork in 2017: more EPP, embroidery, cross stitching, etc 🙂
2016 brought a very sassy, funny, silly puppy to our family. Thank you, Cora, for some of the only light moments of 2016!
In 2016 we got through the second year of our redevelopment of the junior school which has been the most challenging time of my teaching life. In 2017, I am looking forward to what we now do in junior school being seen as normal. Sewing gives me a break from all of that.
I have so much I want to do in 2017 but top on my list will be to perfect my needle turn appliqué.
2016 was a year of finding balance between work, school, and sewing. I’m looking forward to learning new skills and trying some hand quilting in 2017. Happy New Year!
Sewing in 2016 taught me how to play again… and helped me stay present during a tumultuous year. in 2017 I am looking forward to making for the joy of making and giving. Can’t wait to get a hold of some ‘Friedlander’ — Santa left a couple of Gift Certificates for my favorite LQS!
My husband and I completed classes for adoption through the state and are looking forward to growing as a family in 2017.
In 2016 I discovered a love for ‘selfish sewing’ after a few years of giving away everything that I made. I’m looking forward to exploring where this will take me in 2017, with lots of inspiration from your patterns and fabrics. This doesn’t sound all that exciting but it is for me!!
looking forward to more sewing in 2017, not enough time in 2016
I gave birth to our second son! On a sewing note I made my first tailored dress!!
I truly enjoyed attending QuiltCon out in Pasadena in 2016. I am looking forward to Savannah in 2017 and will be meeting up with a group of cousins there. We always come up with a project to work on during the evenings together….fun with family.
Love your design sensibility. Thank you for the opportunity to win some of your products. Best Wishes in 2017!
I am loving how my Aerial quilt is turning out – using euclid, carkai, denims and chambray. Circles are Liberty of London from a charm pack.
2016 brought many firsts for me. First time Chemotherapy and first time I have no energy to sew after 50 years of creating. 2017 will be my year of making and creating with a renewed passion. Looking forward to sewing with Euclid . Just cannot choose which designs to start with. They are all beautiful.
I’m looking forward to Friedlander lawns!
I’m looking forward to setting up a real studio for myself, so that I don’t have to sew in the dining room any more. 🙂
One of my 2016 highlights was completing an amazing 16 day walk through central Australia. Every day was pure joy. ☺ Thank you for the fantastic giveaway
I’m just starting my Local quilt at the end of 2016 and a great way to start 2017
I am excited to try my first “slow sewing” quilt this year. I’m diving into the Collection Quilt. 2016 was about learning how to quilt. 2017 is about expanding skills and going into new directions.
One of my highlights in 2016 was my trip to Japan, such an amazing place!
Your work is such an inspiration. 2016 is the year I finally understood how to do free motion quilting 😊
Happy 2017!
2016 – the year I made new friends by starting a Quilting House Group
2017 – the year we organise our first sewing bee
Making my 15 year old granddaughters a memory quilt printing pictures of them at the cottage for the past 15 years, and their delight with them was the best. You never know with 15 year old girls. Now I am getting ready to start your Arial quilt with fabric my daughter and son bought this year while on travels in Japan, London and Vienna I am so lucky and will have so much fun in 2017 choosing which fabrics to use.
Enjoyed making new friends in quilt guild this year.
You are such an inspiration!! hmmm… 2016 was not good. i guess i can look forward to my children growing & learning, & to trying to finish projects & take on those i wanted to do, also. i think i’d like to learn to knit, but that may be more than possible! ha! thank you for doing this! have a good 2017!
I really love your fabric lines and now I have purchased your Catenary pattern: I am hoping for some slow sewing in 2017 and I wish to learn more technics.
I am looking forward to trying my *first* quilt in 2017 (!), inspired by your examples — and thinking forward, in 2018, would love to travel to the US to participate in one of your workshops (or perhaps you’ll come back to Australia?).
Not sewing related, but I completed two levels of firefighter certifications. I am looking forward to more sewing time in 2017!
Oh all the pictures are like eye candy!!!! In 2016 I loved all the time I got to spend and sew with crafty friends!
I’m looking forward to doing some appliqué this year. I used to do a lot but have gotten away from it.
I am looking forward to finishing my collection quilt in 2017
I love the new colors of your Widescreen. I wish I could afford to buy them all. I’m looking forward to all your emails next year. They are truly an inspiration for me.
I’ve come a long way in 2016 but have so many ideas for 2017, including more clothes for my daughter and few more bits for myself, both clothes and accessories!
Your work in 2016 has given me inspiration to finish my many UFO’s! I am also encouraged to try hand quilting a baby quilt for a friend’s daughter. We will see how it turns out!
im looking forward to hand quilting in 2017.
I am looking forward to a year of eating better so I have more energy to create more.
Such a show of accomplishments. Congratulations.
I’m looking forward to more sewing time in 2017.
Soooo many special things happened this past year…but in my life as a maker, two things stand out…
This summer I grew my own indigo and dyed some cotton, linen and silk with it. Now I’m stitching it into projects with such satisfaction!
AND, I was delighted to take a workshop with you via nido in burlington. My “meadow’s ebb” wallhanging hung in a special VTMQG exhibition at the Champlain Valley Quilt Guild Show.
We’ll all need to fasten our seat belts for 2017! May you find sanctuary in your sewing studio!
You make some gorgeous things!! I am looking forward to finishing some projects in 2017 (rather than just starting them).
Something special in 2016…moving into a new home that allows me to slow down and work more intently on my art. And that’s special too…coming to the point where I recognize it as my art rather than just a crafty pursuit. What I am looking forward to in 2017…despite being faced with a new diagnosis of stage 4 breast cancer I am thrilled that I have made the choice to quit my job and I am looking forward to focusing my energies into delving deeper into my art life and setting it free to the world.
This is a wonderful overview. You did do a lot! And all so very pretty. Thanks, also for the giveaway!
2016 was a bit of a rough year on me. I am very much looking forward to 2017, though. I hope to finish and defense my disseration in 2017!
2016 was a lovely crafty year. I went to quiltcon for the first time, overscheduled myself and had an exhausting ball. 2017 has plenty in store, on a fabric front, I’m hoping to learn to enjoy appliqué and have signed up to do Sarah fielke’s bom. Looking forward to it. Have a lovely break and a good new year when it comes.
I’m looking forward to my first improv quilt!!
Thank You Carolyn. Your sensibilities are appreciated. I look forward to your offerings in the new year.
Although I’ve been quilting for years, in 2016 I finally made the plunge into garment sewing and made my first shirt. I look forward to making more in 2017 and to making a baby quilt for our baby girl coming in May!
Thank you for all of your beautiful work. It’s been so much fun to see the new line this year!
It’s great to see all your beautiful creations all in one post! Thank you for the chance to win a give- away! 2017: I’m going to QuiltCon and I just joined the Mighty Lucky Quilting Club. Yay!
2016 offered some wonderful fabrics. I’m looking forward to what 2017 has to offer.
I love that I finished a few ufo’s!
I tried to expand my skillset in 2016, fell in love with improv piecing, bought less fabric and sewed more from my existing stash, and found various ways for using the tiniest of scraps as well as orphan blocks. I also got married this year, and whilst I loved every bit of the preparation and the excitement, I look Forward to have more spare time and energy for sewing in 2017.
Tried some new techniques in 2016. And looking forward to some new hand stitching projects in 2017!
I am looking forward to trying new techniques, to releasing new patterns, to making new friends, and to spending time with people I love 🙂
I am very much looking forward to my first QuiltCon (Feb. 2017). See you in Savannah!
After a little hiccup with my health in the last two months, I am hoping to have the strength to overcome it and make more quilts for others in 2017! Thanks for the giveaway!
Looking forward to a bit of travel in 2017!
My non -sewing highlight for 2016 was celebrating my mums 80th birthday on the Isle of Arran with her twin & all our families. She’s an aiming woman. Sewing wise it was Being involved in my first swaps and being proud of what I produced – it’s a nerve racking thing making for a stranger & a lovely feeling when thwy like what you’ve made 😀
I’m looking forward to 2017 being a year of more creative play. Thanks for being an inspiration!
Thank you for the wonderful classes in Sydney – it left me feeling settled and inspired- linked me to the comfort of sewing quietly as a child with my mother. A happy space to take out into the world in 2017. A reminder to secrete little pockets of joy into the days of this coming year. May it be a year with pockets of joy and beauty for you and yours too.
What a beautiful year you’ve had. I’ve been hoarding almost all your lines and really want to do something special with them in the new year! Blessings to you in 2017.
Having Instagram sewing friends become a real life sewing and support group is the stand out in an otherwise challenging year. Thank you for a lovely giveaway and happy new year Carolyn
When I started Modern Quilt Show Australia in 2014, there was no way I imagined it would continue on… In 2016 I was stoked to meet you at MQSA and to participate in one of your workshops. I’m inspired now and can’t wait to create through 2017!
In 2017 I’m looking forward to learning more quilting and knitting skills and slowing down more.
Regardless of the numbers of commenters, I still believe I am your biggest fan, almost to the point of stalking. Don’t believe there is anything of yours I either don’t have or covet. I am so looking forward to working on the Wildebon pattern….preordered pattern and fabric from the wonderful Intrepid Thread. That one will be MINE! I have a tendency to give away most of what I do. I would love your giveaway….thinking that is quite generous of you. Happy New Year. I look forward to new adventures with you!
The best thing about 2016 is I got to make some great Quilty friends. It’s lovely when they have the same interests and are just gorgeous people.
Best quilty thing about 2016 was spending a week with my best friend touring New England’s quilt shops.
In 2016 a group of ladies and myself started traveling quilts. It was so fun to see the quilts come and go over the year. So for 2017, I look forward to seeing them all finished and in the hands of the original maker! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
I am going to enjoy doing more handwork and to inspire me, some fabric and patterns designed by Carolyn Friedlander
I have enjoyed your books and have a lot of your fabrics. I am looking forward to QuiltCon in 2017 and seeing all the quilts as well as meeting new Quilters.
In 2016, we got chickens and they are so funny and amusing!
Your blog posts are always so inspiring and I love all your fabric lines! I’m really looking forward to the fresh start of a new year. Happy New Year to you and yours!
Best of 2016 was Our Baltimore MQG Facing East class with Carolyn in the spring. In 2017, it’s taking some ideas I have started and going for it. I left a few things hanging in 2016 because I wasn’t sure of where I wanted to go, but am now ready to take on the challenge and push myself.
Love your style! I’m looking forward to QuiltCon in Savannah!
In 2016 I knit my first finished sweater. In 2017 I can’t wait to meet my new baby and make her lots of fun things!
i joined a quilting charity bee and helped to make 10 quilts this year. 🙂 i also made and gave a few quilts to friends and family going through rough patches this year. looking forward to making more in 2017. thank you for the great giveaway!
I’m looking forward to finishing my carkai wall hanging in 2017!!
love seeing your year at a glance. I particularly love your yellows as seen in this post. Happy 2017 and continued brilliant design success.
I’m making more time to quilt in 2017 and I can’t wait!!!
I learned to machine quilt with a walking foot on my domestic sewing machine and am currently working on quilting a queen-sized quilt for my sister. I’m looking forward to finally finishing quilt tops I’ve been hoarding for years in 2017!
In 2017 am looking to a beach handstitching retreat with good friends!
A big highlight of 2016 for me was taking your appliqué class at the Modern Quilt Show in Sydney, it was such a great workshop!
So many beautiful projects! I am looking forward to travelling to Canada in 2017 to celebrate my 50th birthday:)
Learning to sew clothes for my kids 🙂
In 2016 we found out that our son and DIL are expecting their first baby and of course we’re looking forward to 2017 to welcome him to our lives. Can’t wait!
A personal something special that happened in 2016 was seeing my two little boys start to become friends now that they are getting older. A sewing something special was learning how to quilt my own quilts on a longarm and my husband learning to design pantographs for me!
Loved your bags and clothing you sewed this year, I am inspired.
It’s the small things that speak to us. Just enjoying reading your first book and shared your lesson regarding choosing patterns with one of my step daughters (I have four – lucky me!) ‘the picture on the front of a pattern is not an absolute – more like a suggestion’… What a freeing thought – she’s 18 and starting on a hew sewing journey and this reading spoke to her. Thanks for the inspiration Carolyn 🙂
The very thought of winning anything you made (especially a quilt) makes me glow from the inside out, total fan girl moment here! I am looking forward to making more quilts in 2017, I made my very first one in 2016 using Carkai and I love it sooo much. Happy New Year!
Sewing-wise: I upgraded to my dream Juki & tackled leather… so much fun! I’m looking forward to a quilty retreat with friends next year & gaining confidence in sewing garments. Thank YOU for such gorgeous inspiration! Can’t wait for my bundle of Friedlander to arrive.
Enjoyed learning needle turn applique and your fabulous patterns but oh dear my trudi circle was very wonky indeed.
Getting my new job was a definite highlight of 2016! Hope to see you in Oz again soon … Happy new year to you!
My wife got pregnant in 2016… So 2017 will be expanding our little family. I’ve already started brainstorming on baby quilts! We’ll see where that goes. Thank you for the giveaway – happy new year!
In 2016 I joined my first stitch n bitch and found my people. I’m so thankful for the friendships I’ve gained.
My best bit of 2016 was Changing things to have peace in my life and continuing it in 2017! This lead to heaps more playing with fabric! (So satisfying)
2016 – it was really special to accompany my friend, Eva, to Sitka to be her assistant for quilt classes. And I get to do it again in 2017!!
2016 was the year I really learned hand appliqué (thanks to the collection quilt). Here’s to 2017 and learning new things!🎉
I am getting back to quilting and learning new techniques in 2017. Love your fabrics and inspiring designs. Thank you.
2016 was a tough year as I watched my wonderful husband become more and more debilitated. However, 2017 will be a wonderful year as he will receive a kidney from my niece in a few weeks. We are blessed beyond measure that she is giving him this gift of life! Sewing is my “happy time” that has brought me…and others…joy!
2016 was a fantastic year of new experiences and joy, and 2017 holds the promise of becoming legal parents to our foster daughter, so it should be the best year yet!
Looking forward to getting my Longarm business off the ground in 2017.
I enjoyed your classes at Nido in Vermont, and I’m in love with all your fabrics. Happy 2017.
In 2016 I made my first non-mini quilts!
2016 was a great year, and one of the highlights was meeting you at Glamp Stitchalot in June. You gave some awesome tips for paper piecing, and now I don’t hate paper piecing. Here’s to a great 2017.
2016 was great because I finished my collection quilt top and really improved my confidence in my hand sewing skills!
2016 was a year of great loss for me, so my hope for 2017 is a new beginning for me.
I’m going to Quiltcon in February and I’m totally excited
2016 feels like I must have been in a coma!! Doesn’t feel like finished anything. Can’t believe its over!! 2017 I need to hit the machine running & accomplish something…one of your patterns would be great!!!
2016 – I enjoyed meeting 2 sisters in Pasadena for Quiltcon and learning about BOM with Creativebug! I look forward to organizing my sewing stuff in 2017. I have started corralling every scrap and cutting 4.5 & 2.5 squares plus rectangles of 2.5 x 4.5 . I have sorted them by solids, prints and low volume! I am feeling aaahhh !
Thanks for your inspiration, your my heroine, Caroline!
You have a stunning body of work for this year! I am thrilled to have had my quilts be included in several major shows this year, and I am looking forward to having more included in 2017 shows as well.
I really enjoyed working on my collection quilt this year, and can’t wait to jump into one of the new ones!
I’m so grateful I could fly across Australia to attend one of your aerial grove workshop in Melbourne! An inspiring and unforgettable day, thanks for the memories xo
In 2016 my mom and I opened our own sewing studio and we have been able to share our love of sewing and quilting with so many people! I know 2017 will be amazing as well! Your year has been mighty full and I simply love everything you do! I’m finishing up my Everglade quilt as we speak 🙂
My sister and I loved meeting you and taking your class at Glamp Stitchalot. It is really neat to see the array of work you have done in 2016,
To finishing the quilts I’m making for my 2 grandsons! 1 top is done and I expect the finish the other top this weekend. Then the quilting. Love your fabric lines this year, so colorful!
Looking forward to moving to a new home early next year and making some quilts to decorate the house.
I got an awesome new job!!
I am really looking forward to some mindful time in the coming year, and some personal and emotional quietude. I want to commit to making those things happen!
In 2017 I’m looking forward to finishing my first quilt for myself. It’s a HST quilt from Doe charm packs. I am stalled at the stage of trimming the squares – not my favourite task!
I don’t have any kids but was lucky to watch many of my friends’ children grow up. This year one of them graduated college and another got married. My god-daughter turned 13 and spent a week with me. I have lots of quilty friends and am looking forward to more finished projects in 2017.
In 2017 we have a fun trip to the ocean planned for the summer! I love ocean beaches! I also have my first few months of quilting projects all ready to go.
2017 is a time for new and more challenges, including my first quilt that I design, and a low volume challenge for which I think I’ll start my version of the Collections quilt.
2016 was a great year – received my quilted park bench quilt back from late night quilter and purchased a beautiful new sewing machine. Plan to finish quilting my circles quilt in 2017 and cut into my carcai and Euclid stash. Happy New Year! I’ve enjoyed your Creativebug tutorials as well!
2016 was a great year for my family. The main thing was that my husband retired and he is loving life! I also delved more deeply into quilting and made a quilt for each of my 2 children for Christmas. It was pure joy to create them and give them to my kids. I love learning and making pretty things!
Best part of 2016 was meeting and becoming friends with so many incredible makers through the Madison Modern Quilt Guild and the Modern Stitching Affair.
What a beautiful recap! I am looking forward to expanding my quilting experience through QuiltCon as well as moving to a new city with a great quilter base! ❤❤
One highlight for me in 2016 was taking one of your classes at QuiltCon where I finally learned a technique for hand appliqué that spoke to me 🙂 I will be in another of your classes at QuiltCon 2017.
Your colours and designs in this post inspire me! Before 2016 is finished I am definitely starting another quilt.
I’m 2016 I moved across the country and got a job at a sewing store! That was really special and I’ve been sewing so much more since I started working there 🙂
I have loved doing the hand appliqué on my aerial grove quilt in 2016 and look forward to building the borders to complete it in 2017.
Where did 2016 go? I’m looking forward to attempting Wildabon in 2017. Just waiting for the Friedlander fabrics to arrive in January. I really enjoyed making appliqué with Ebb this year, so I can’t wait!
My best accomplishment for 2016 was my Quilty 365, one applique circle every day and for 2017 a new grandchild .
I absolutely love your work – everything you’ve made and designed is stunning and refreshing. I just got your book for Xmas so I’m looking forward to making at least one quilt in 2017! Thanks and happy new year!
I am looking forward to some slow stitching in 2017, enjoying the process rather than pushing to finish each quilt. After all I actually probably have enough quilts by now. I am also planning to free myself from the need for perfect joins and perfect curves. When I look back at the quilts from years ago they aren’t close to being perfect, and all the more beautiful for it. Sew. Breathe. Sew. Breathe …
What a beautiful and inspiring blog post! One of the highlights of 2016 was taking another class with you! I have fallen in love with appliqué since your class. I look forward to starting your collection quilt in 2017! I never thought I would enjoy slow stitching like this.
In 2016 I made 3 baby quilts, each with a special design for the parents. My favorite was one for a rainbow baby that has brought such joy to his family. Best wishes for a fabulous 2017.
New for 2016 – became a mother and made my first quilts. Pretty life changing stuff. Looking forward to carrying on the adventure in 2017
Personally 2016 was a very tough year, the best i can say is that i survived! I look forward to a happier and healthier 2017
Fantastic as always, I love your newsletters hitting my inbox. 2016 was the beginning for me of all things patchwork and quilting – and my goodness how I love it! Your fabric and love for architecture really resonate with me. I was so deeply disappointed to miss you at the retreat weekend here in Canberra, Aus however, I am lucky enough to be taking part in your Collection Quilt BOM. I am really excited about this.
In 2016 four quilting friends and I got together for our first “quilt’n’sisters” retreat. It was an incredible week-end that we hope to make an annual tradition. We mostly only get to talk to each other online (we are from four different states plus Canada) so getting to sew together in person was awesome.
I finished my first bed sized quilt in 2016 and it has brought me such joy and pride to sleep under it every night.
I’m very much looking forward to finding the perfect pattern to do my Carolyn Friedlander stash justice in 2017!
2017 will be the year I learn paper piecing and I’m starting with your Creativebug help. 2016–well, I’ll take your advice and review my Instagram photos and hopefully see that I’ve finished more than I remember. You inspire me in so many ways!
You are one of my favorite inspirations. Enjoyed big stitching my quilts in 2016. Looking forward to QuiltCon 2017 in Savannah.
I am looking forward to QuiltCon in 2017, that should be very fun and special.
What great photos from your 2016 adventures. I get my first visit to Quiltcon come Feb and quite looking forward to it.
I finally figured out how to use my serger! I’ve only used it for one project so far, but I am so excited to hit the ground running in 2017. On the other side of the coin, I am looking forward to doing more hand embroidery, and teaching myself epp and needle turn applique.
In 2016, I started a new job which now allows me to have time for me. No more late nights and weekend work so I want to be more diligent in working out and making and finishing my quilts. Thanks for the chance!
Inspiration, thanks! In 2016 I finished at least four UFOs, and two complete quilts, hooray! I have plenty of other UFOs to work on in 2017, especially a quilt for my son and his wife. I’m so grateful to be able to do what I love 🙂
The project that made me the happiest was an “I Spy” quilt with a book to go with it that I made for my granddaughter. Imagining her with that concentrated look on her face and wrapped up in the quilt makes me smile even though she is miles away.
I’ve had an exciting year quilting and creating sewn pieces and was brave enough to have a craft table in our small community before Christmas.Thanks for the chance!!
In 2016, I completed a few firsts that have taken my quilting confidence to new levels–paper piecing and quilting my first quilt on my new longarm. Most of all, I learned to OWN applique by taking a BOM of The Collection quilt–slow sewing helps keep my stress levels low. Can’t wait for more handwork in 2017!
In 2017, I’m looking forward to finishing some quilts. I feel like I’ve had the same quilts on my WIP list forever, and I am finally at an almost finishing point with several of them.
You create such beautiful things! I am constantly inspired by the things you make. One of my favorite makes from 2016 was a Fancy Fox quilt made over the course of a year full of transitions. I love the stories quilts can hold. I have a quilt planned for 2017 that has some Euclid slipped in and I am super excited about it!
2016 was a pretty bumpy year for me, but a sewing highlight was taking a class from Jen Kingwell. I learned how to hand stitch and I do love the process. I have hand quilted a few small quilts and am hooked on the look of it. Thank you for a great giveaway! Happy New Year!
Thanks for the giveaway! I wanted to try new techniques in 2016 and learned two at a time toe up socks and needle turn appliqué from your creative bug class! (I hope you do a lot more classes with them in 2017!) happy new year!
I learned how to screen print in 2016 and am looking forward to doing more of it in 2017. Thank you for such a generous giveaway.
In 2016, I became obsessed with needle-turned applique, thanks to you. Love your patterns and enthusiasm.
Very inspiring! I am going to do the same with my 2016 projects. I am looking forward to Friedlander fabric and lawn in 2017.
2016 was a tough year, but my little buddy turning one, and just watching him grow, has been such a joy.
I enjoyed meeting you and the other designers at Glamp Stitchalot this summer. It was so interesting to hear about your design process and learn about the techniques you prefer to use when sewing. I appreciated all of you sharing your time and talents with us. Happy New Year, Carolyn!
I look forward to living my quiet, happy life again in 2017. I want to keep sewing, teaching and traveling as I get the opportunities. Happy New Year!
2016 was amazing because I learned how to quilt and a knitted my first sweater!! More, more, more of all of it in 2017!!
I made a quilt, my 4th one, for a lovely niece’s wedding just before Christmas, and despite the 2 weeks of sewing, and worrying (I had 4 weeks notice of the wedding). it was all worth it to see my niece and family speechless. She declared it lush, which apparently means she really loved it. I look forward to see where my very amateurish sewing will take me in 2017. Love your quilts, hand sewing and material lines. Sadly difficult to get here in UK.
I spent a lot (too much) of 2016 considering what I didn’t have and being sad about it. But I’m realizing how important it is to be thankful for everything. Something special was realizing that I didn’t need something ‘everyone else’ had to be joyful.
Adore your work. Hope you have a creative 2017!
My big event for 2016 was retirement in August and a move. I have a great sewing room ready for my 2017 plans to quilt, quilt, quilt. I have been sewing since I learned from my mother, have made clothes and draperies for myself and others. I have been reading, looking at quilting blogs, narrowing down to my favorites.. I love your style and your fabrics and one of the quilts I plan to make is a throw for my Son-in-law who is a builder using Euclid fabric and the pattern Local. and one for my daughter who is a garden designer using the same fabrics and the pattern Botanics.
Looking forward to finishing my Everglades quilt!
2016 was a year of way too many trips to the ER for my daughter so for 2017 I’m hoping she has a healthier year.
Such a wonderful year you’ve had!
My highlight of this year is my Granddaughter Frances, she’s just 18 months. Watching her grow and change is so fun and seeing her be her sweet little busy self is wonderful! I also got my sewing bug back after about 6 months of forcing myself to sew.
Thanks for such a fab giveaway ~ so generous!
I got back into camping and hiking this year and im looking forward to more adventures in 2017!
This life long crafter “found” quilting in 2016 and fell in love. Color, texture and pattern have always been part of my life. Now these elements will be integrated into my quilting! Fun!
I’m looking forward to getting married in 2017! Currently working on a “wedding quilt” featuring one of your charm packs 🙂
I look forward to making and finishing up quilts that I have the pattern and fabric for already! They are just waiting for me in a pile!
I’m looking forward to quilting and learning new techniques in the upcoming year!!
In 2017 I hope to make more clothing! My “collection” of fabric to wear needs to be made & worn. Happy New Year Carolyn!
2016 saw a definite improvement in my quilting game–I’ve gotten better at appliqué, sashiko, and my overall accuracy and confidence has improved immensely! Next year I really hope to master paper piecing! It’s still a struggle! (Your workshop at Quiltcon is my first stop!) Thanks, Carolyn!
I didn’t get to sew as much in 2016 as I would have liked. I am looking forward to hopefully being able to do more creative things in 2017. And completing more than just a couple of my creative goals for 2017. Not because because I have to but because I want to.
I finished my first quilt in 2016!! Looking forward to more stitching in 2017.
I’m looking forward to the stability of 2017 as I have a new job! Happy (early) New Year. Thank you for the opportunity!
Carolyn- I appreciated so much discovering your fabric and designs in 2016; they definitely broadened my horizons as to what quilting can look like. I look forward to more of your fabrics and designs in 2017!
So much inspiration in your work! I’m hoping to work on balance in 2017.
An amazing collection of creative outpourings from 2016, and I got to share in part of that Down Under. Sitting on the floor sewing is the new creative ‘happening’ place. May 2017 be even better and that you get some creative floor time too!
I started quilting this year! Just love it!
2016 was a year of purging the fabric I will never use and donating them to charity. I can now focus on actually using the fabrics I love and have been hoarding! Can’t wait
2016 came with BIG changes from my family. We moved into our first house on new years, I graduated from art college, then we had our first child. After a crazy and exciting year, I’m looking forward to 2017, a year where I can get back to sewing and starting a little handmade business!
I had the pleasure of taking two classes from you in 2016! I am really looking forward to QuiltCon in 2017!
Looking forward to more travlling and taking some sewing projects along.
Having just finished up my first year of retirement, I’m looking back at a couple of great trips (Rome, Malta and Kansas City) and the completion of three and nine-tenths quilts (the last in the frame waiting for pin-basting). Next year will bring more travel, more quilting and my first QuiltCon. Thanks for all you do for the quilting world!
2016 was a year of downsizing and simplyfing for me, and I look forward to continue this in 2017. And I plan to make most of my clothes myself next year!
I was able to spend a lot of time with my mom planning quilt projects & sewing together & working w/my dad on wooodworking projects for my house. Hoping to do the same in 2017!
It’s so fun to look back at all of your beautiful projects! I finally visited Chicago for the first time in 2016 and had a great time, but on the whole, it was a really rough year, and I’m definitely looking forward to new beginnings in 2017. Happy New Year to you, and thanks for the giveaway!
Thank you and I really enjoy your fabrics and quilt patterns. Hopefully we will see you here (UK) soon.
In 2016 finally tackled my fear of free motion quilting and I can’t stop!!! In 2017 going on holiday to Denmark so hopefully will get to see some Danish quilting.
I’m looking forward to learning how to use my new ruler foot and rulers. I really have enjoyed all your fabrics and designs up to this point. I hope they’ll be many more in 2017!
2016 has been quite a year! I got a refurbished BabyLock Jane straight-stitch sewing machine which has really improved my bag-making skills. I’ve sewn for 50 years, but this has been a wonderful game-changer.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I completed my first quilt along. It gave me the confidence to take on. A challenging project in 2017.
I love the recap of your fabrics and projects for the year – beautiful and inspiring! I’m looking forward to completing a Gran Fondo (bike ride) this year!
Really looking forward to getting back in the studio in January. 2016 was a great year for my sewing and growth, can’t wait to explore new projects, ideas, and inspirations.
As I reflect on 2016, I am filled with gratitude for my loving family, especially my 90 & 91 y/o parents. I accomplished many quilt and sewing projects, went through my entire stash and made donations to our local senior citizen’s quilt group and rearranged my quilting room. Now I’m ready for 2017! I am looking forward to stretching my skills in a more creative way. I love how unique your fabrics are and enjoy following you on social media.
Happy new year! Thank you for all your inspirational work! Your fabric collections are definitely my favorite. I’m looking forwad to finishing my fan quilt and then hopefully start something new with the carkai jelly roll that’s waiting on the shelf. Cannot wait to get back to my sewing space!
I started sewing again after a long hiatus which has been lovely. Thanks for your inspiration.
In 2016 I started my first garment and looking forward to finishing it in 2017!
Thanks for the giveaway, and the pause to think about the past year and what’s ahead.
In 2017 I’m choosing to so things more slowly and with purpose. I’m going to take big projects in bite-sized pieces AND I’m gonna FINISH them too! (Even if its only 1 or 2!!!)
I am happy to say in 2016 I honed my quilting skills so now I am an experienced beginner. I joined a charity quilting group and love it. I discovered your book and fabric, and just recently your blog. Sewing at least 10-30 minutes every day is my goal for 2017.
I’m looking forward to a nephew’s wedding, my middle son recovering from a long term illness, and two special sewing projects.
2016 was the year the quilting bug really took hold. Made my first ever quilt, did a fantastic beginner course and upgraded from my 20 year old sewing machine. I was inspired by seeing your quilts up close at the Canberra trunk show and am looking forward to more creative quilting in 2017!
Looking forward to finishing several WIP quilts in 2017!
I’m 2016 I left a toxic workplace that was starting to kill my joy at home.
in 2017 i will be more selective with my sewing projects and work on technique not just quantity.
2016 was a good year, and I’m looking forward to 2017, too. I hope to try my hand at a bit of needle-turn appliqué, now that you’ve sorted out my FPP skills 🙂
Wishing you a creative and productive 2017!
2017 has some milestone birthdays in our family – going to be lots of family time…with sewing in between!!
I’m looking forward to starting distance running again this year. Happy New Year
2016 was the year I wholeheartedly returned to sewing and 2017 is the year of completed projects! 🤗
I started making quilts incorporating linen in 2016, using Kaufman Essex linen. I picked up a fq bundle of Euclid recently, Planning on using it in a quilt in 2017
Looking back on the projects I made in 2016 I can say that I am very happy how they worked out. For 2017 I will definately be Doing much more handsewing and applique. Looking immensly forward to that! And to my new grandchild that is on its way!
I love your Wildabon quilt, which showcases your colorway beautifully.
Your work and fabric lines inspired me to make up my own appliqué motifs – thank you! I am having so much fun. I finally have full creative control and it feels great.
Creatively, in 2016 I found my love for drawing again. I hope to keep playing with drawing and doodling in 2017. Hopefully, I’ll find some time for sewing as well. Thank you for your inspiring work and designs and sharing them here! All the best for your 2017!
At the launch of the new year, I’m looking forward to lots of sewing, lots of adventures, and gardening galore. Cheers!
I’m looking forward to the birth of our second grandchild in April of 2017!
I’ve been collecting fabrics for quite some time, so 2017 is the year I am finally going to make a quilt!
I am looking forward to finishing some WIPs this year. I’ve started too many things and not finished them 😂😅
In 2016 I learned that the best way to finish a long-term project is to believe it’s worth making time for it every day. I’m hoping to use the momentum I built up last year to finish the third (after my kids) biggest project of my life this year!
I’m looking forward to a year of new projects and a much needed trip alone with my husband to Europe.
The best thing about 2016 was finishing my Collection quilt. It was terrific fun to make!! Now in 2017, I’m excited about being a grandmother – “mimi.”
I’m looking forward to focusing on my own creativity and sewing up a quilt for each of my three girls!
My something special in 2016 was going up to Burlington, Vermont for a long weekend to take the needle-turn applique class with you. I got to spend time mountain biking, hiking, exploring Burlington and then finished up with a fun class where I learned a lot of new skills! I’ve been slowly stitching away and am looking forward to a finished Everglade product, though at the rate I’m going that might not happen in 2017 😀
I snagged a lawn bundle of Friedlander at sample spree and I am looking forward to working on pillow size Wildabon sections to frame and hang on the wall. Thanks for another great year of inspiration!
2016 started with your Everglade workshop in the spring and I’ve decided to master my needle-turn with a queen quilt top of that pattern – 20 blocks. I’ve got 7 done and will probably be working on it for years but the slow stitching is so necessary to help me stay sane in today’s hectic fast-paced world.
I’m looking forward to finishing a long-term project this year! I will be both sad and happy it is done.
I’m looking forward to going to QuiltCon for the first time and sewing a lot of clothes.
2016 got new quilting rulers so 2017 is about finishing quilt tops with my new rulers. works out well i’d say lol
In 2016 I finally upgraded my sewing machine- my old one could no longer even backstitch properly! So in 2017, I am looking forward to working on projects that were fairly off limits in the past, and really stretching my skills! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
I was thrilled to discover your designs in 2016! And to realize I had used some of them in a very special project, to be completed in 2017.
2016- gained confidence sewing all the little things for my niece and nephew. 2017- scaling up for me!
In 2016, I finished my first quilt series – dipping my toe into design.
I finally joined a quilt guild this year and I’ve been having so much fun making new friends.
Looking forward to more hand “slow” sewing as my life demands more time away from my machine at home. Excited for the patience and pride the work will bring.
Cheers!! See you at Quilt market in May!
After making quilts for others in 2016, I am excited to make a few for myself and my family 🙂
Looking forward to some time off in the summer to fit in more sewing now that I’m back to teaching. Ooohhhh!!!
2016 is the year I discovered quilting. A seamstress all my life, one day searching for an easy project to teach my friend to sew on, I stumbled across a richly detailed tutorial for how to quilt, and I haven’t looked back since! I’ve LOVED your style since social media pointed me your way and I would love to make beautiful things with your patterns and fabric in 2017.
Always looking forward to learning new things in the quilting world–or re-learning things I have forgotten. Thanks for your beautiful inspiration along the way and into the new year!
In 2017 I am looking forward to finishing all the quilt tops and heading to quiltcon! Always amazing to see your round up.
I am now obsessed with your fabric and quilt patterns. This is about the only fabric my 30 ish year old daughter will let me use to sew her something (currently working on coasters with Doe fabric).I love weave in yarrow!! I am excited to make quilts in 2017 that we both love.
in 2017 I am looking forward to visiting the west coast with my family!
Thanks for the opportunity to win some great goodies. I’m looking forward to being more intentional with my quilting.
I’m looking forwarding to finishing my Hawaiian appliqué in 2017. Thank you for the lovely design.
Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to finishing some projects, so I can start more!
In 2016, I found your envelopes, shirts and outhouses patterns. Now, in 2017, I look forward to working on smaller projects that combine piecing and embroidery with those patterns.
Happy New Year, everyone!
2016 meant taking the leap of becoming house less and traveling with my small family. It’s been a lot of learning and growth and I’m excited for 2017. Thanks!
Looking forward to meeting you and taking 2 of your classes at Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild in April.
It’s such a good thing to take stock at the end of a year. Mine has been a difficult one, but I still managed to find some things worth treasuring…
I am looking forward to quilting some UFO’s, it’s about time they come out of the box and gets used!
I’m looking forward to braving my first quilt this year. I’ve done some small projects, but never a real quilt.
Enjoyed your CreativeBug classes last year. Looking forward to more handwork this year.
I enjoyed pulling out me sewing machine last year and really learning to sew and I can’t wait to make more stuff this year.
Looking forward to your new fabric line in 2017
In 2016 I was one week on vacation with my husband – only with husband, without children. It was wonderful time :). Another thing which makes me very happy was discover this blog and Your beautiful fabrics. I felt in love with them. And I had possibility to buy two fabrics from Doe collection!!!
In 2017 I hope buy more fabrics from Your collection and sew a few projects with them :)).
Just saw this love your work on a fixed income could use these giveaways..working on one of your quilts for my engineer sons wedding gift