It’s week 6 and the last week of the Alphabet and Shirts Quilt Along. Can you believe it?

Alphabet Update
I made and attached the label to my niece’s quilt! Labels don’t have to take too long, but it’s easy to miss it, so I’m glad I didn’t with this one.

I wrote out the message with a Frixion pen before embroidering over the letters with 12wt Aurifil cotton thread. It’s simple and makes a nice reminder of who it’s for, who made it, and–importantly–when it was made. Time flies and that part is easy to forget.

This also gives you a look at the back, which I forgot to show last week.
Shirts Update
My little Shirts blocks went through a transformation this week. After taking them down from my wall, I realized I could wrap the newest blocks around the blocks I joined together from last year.

I needed just 3 more blocks to fill the gap. There was one leftover from last year, which meant I only needed to make 2 new Shirts. I picked fabrics from my scrap pile that enticed me.

After sewing them together, I had a beautiful square of mini shirts.

Because I want this to be a throw-sized quilt, I added borders. Originally, I had white in mind and maybe a garment fabric since this is such a garment-forward project, but as I started looking through my fabrics, I realized this meaty yarn-dyed woven from my Harriot collection would be perfect.

I love the idea of using such a textured, garment fabric for the border. The tone is right in that it makes the lights and darks pop, and the texture is so lovely and will soften so nicely as it gets washed and used. Plus, it’s a fabric that appears often in the blocks!

After adding the first border to both sides of the blocks, I wanted to make things just a bit longer. I added a top and bottom border using my pickle crosshatch. It complements the first border nicely. The colors jive together, and the crispness of the print is a great contrast to the physical texture in the yarn-dyed woven. Fabric is so much fun.
Looking Ahead
Looking ahead, I want to get this Shirts quilt quilted. I have thoughts on binding and backing that I share in this week’s video (linked below).

I’ve loved quilting along and seeing your projects take shape over these last several weeks, and it’s been productive holding myself accountable to you each week with my own projects.

Week 6 Video

thanks for posting.
Absolutely gorgeous! Lots of attn to detail made here. Way to go! Hope it didn’t feel painstaking.
Thank you! Nope, it wasn’t painstaking it all. I enjoyed being able to jump around between projects to let ideas simmer.